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Faculty List






Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Building enterprise resilience in the post-pandemic scenario https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/thoughtsandreflections/building-enterprise-resilience-in-the-post-pandemic-scenario-40898/ Business
2 Management Education: Which way is it heading? https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/thoughtsandreflections/management-education-which-way-is-it-heading-33536/ Management / Others


Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study) ISBN Month Year
1 Reference book Digital Twins-The Industry 4.0 Use Cases: The Technologies, Tools, Platforms and Applications To be specified Sep 2022

Additional information

Type of Book Reference book
Type of Work Book
Sole Authored/Co Authored Co-Authored
Title of Book Digital Twins-The Industry 4.0 Use Cases: The Technologies, Tools, Platforms and Applications
Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study)
Month/Year Sep/2022
ISBN To be specified
Publishing Company/Institution Nova Science Publishers, USA
Level International publisher

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Materials and Technologies: Bridging Research and Innovation 4.0 (ICSMT 2025) Optimization of Two Wheeler Spare Parts Inventory Management for Sustainability 07/03/2025 Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam & Research Centre for Nano-Materials and Energy Technology (RCNMET), School of Engineering and Technology, Sunway University- Malaysia International
2 Conference Coordinator 3rd International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems (ICCIS 2021) 18/12/2021 National Institute of Technology, Delhi International
3 Conference Moderator/Chair International Conference on 'Changing Global Economic Landscape: Challenges, Strategies and Business Resilience 12/04/2021 Christ University International
4 Conference Presenter 9th International Conference on CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN MANAGEMENT Flexible Processing Planning Design and Resource Optimization 26/02/2021 International School of Management Excellence International
5 Conference Presenter International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (IEEE Conference) Enhanced Process Model and Analysis of Risk Integration in Software Effort Estimation 27/11/2019 Francis Xavier Engineering College International
6 Conference Participant Business Analysis Convention 09/08/2018 International Institute of Business Analysis and BA Incubators Pvt. Ltd. National
7 Conference Presenter Project Management Practitioners Conference Management of Supply chain by implementing Blockchain technology 12/07/2018 Project Management Institute (Bangalore India chapter) National
8 Seminar Moderator/Chair Programme for German Faculty / Students from FHWS, Germany 03/03/2018 Christ University International
9 Seminar Participant ICT Cluster Opportunities in Eastern Germany 05/12/2017 Indo-German Chamber of Commerce, Bengaluru Regional
10 Conference Presenter International Conference on "Transforming Emerging Economies through Sustainability and Innovations in Businesses" Business Sustainability through Green initiatives in the IT industry 08/11/2016 Christ University International
11 Conference Presenter International Conference on "Transforming Emerging Economies through Sustainability and Innovations in Businesses" Adoption of Risk Management Approaches for Enhancing Software Sustainability 08/11/2016 Christ University International
12 Participant Workshop on Agile Project Management, Design Think - SAP University Alliances National
13 Conference Presenter Analysis of Critical factors influencing adoption of e-Banking - Christ University National
14 Participant National Conference on Business Challenges and Str - Institute of Management, Christ University National
15 Participant BA Convention - IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis) and BA Incubators National
16 Participant Build the Talent of the Future for the Digital Ent - SAP University Alliances National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 CHRIST University Engagement with SAP SAP NextGen Event 13/02/2025 SAP Labs, Bangalore
2 The Executive Verdict Samarthya: The Growth Architect (USHUS '24) 30/11/2024 School of Business and Management, CHRIST University
3 Digital Transformation Technologies for Sustainability - A Blockchain Perspective India Gateway Training Program 2020 20/02/2020 CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
4 MBA Program and Opportunities Campus Connect Program 12/07/2017 Christ (Deemed-to-be) University
5 MBA Program and Opportunities Campus Connect Program 06/07/2017 Christ (Deemed-to-be) University
6 Total Quality in Life Training for PG sciences 25/11/2016 Christ University, Bengaluru
7 Managing Time, Work, and Quality in Life Guest Lecture 18/01/2016 PSG Institute of Management
8 Total Quality Concept into Life PG Sciences - Training (I MCA) 15/11/2014 Christ University
9 Total Quality Concept into Life PG Sciences - Training (I MSc - Physics) 14/11/2014 Christ University
10 Managing Time Workshop on Basic Managerial Skills for Effective Management of Not for Profit Projects 16/09/2014 Centre for Social Action, Christ University
11 Interpersonal skills, Teamwork, Personal Effectiveness Orientation Program of Institutional Systems for DEACONS 24/04/2013 Christ University
12 Micro-presentation Workshop for Panel members for MBA admission process 21/01/2013 CUIM
13 Software Engineering Challenges and Trends Invited speaker for National Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technology (NCACC - 2012) 15/11/2012 Santhigiri College
14 Resource Management, Assertive Communication, Listening, Action-orientation, Accelerated performance National Workshop on Self Excellence, Capability, Growth, Influencing, for Effective Customer Relations conducted by CEDBEC (Center for Education Beyond Curriculum) 21/05/2012 CEDBEC (Center for Education Beyond Curriculum), Christ University


Sl.No. Title Genre Producer Copyrights
1 Change Management in ERP Implementation Digital Learning video Centre for Concept Design Christ (Deemed to be University) - Video created in March 2017 and used in class in October 2017

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Improvised Process Model for Prediction of Software Development Effort by Integration of Risk

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Trends and directions in assessment and educational leadership approaches in higher education RAMAKRISHNAN N Internal

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Demystifying AI and Case Study Writing for Educators School of Business and Management, CHRIST University Institutional 01/06/2024
2 Generative AI at SAP OpenSAP International 01/06/2024
3 Simulation of Production Planning and Workplace Design using EMA Software School of Business and Management, CHRIST (Deemed to be University),Bangalore International 11/03/2024
4 MDP on SAP S4/HANA School of Business and Management, CHRIST (Deemed to be University),Bangalore National 06/03/2024
5 Generative AI at SAP OpenSAP International 29/01/2024
6 Style Analysis - DISC & Driving Forces TalentMetrix Institutional 25/11/2023
7 FDP on Innovative Teaching and Learning Methods School of Business and Management, CHRIST (Deemed to be University),Bangalore Institutional 19/06/2023
8 Crisis Management and Resilience OpenSAP International 15/11/2022
9 Creating a Chatbot using SAP Conversational AI Lean Operations and Systems, School of Business and Management Institutional 18/07/2022
10 Digital Manufacturing OpenSAP International 21/06/2022
11 Innovation and New Paradigms in Education Amity Global Business School, Chennao National 04/03/2022
12 Essentials of Academic Research AICTE Training and Learning Academy (ATAL) National 08/11/2021
13 Application of Lean 6 Sigma in Manufacturing Department of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering, Christ University Institutional 23/07/2021
14 SAP Analytics Cloud SAP International 16/07/2021
15 Instilling effectiveness in Digital Teaching in Current Scenario Amity Global Business School National 25/05/2021
16 Designing a Digital Pedagogy for Online Classes Business Standard National 19/05/2021
17 SAP Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC) Train the Trainer Workshop SAP University Alliances International 18/05/2021
18 Spartacus B2B Commerce Organization SAP International 27/04/2021
19 Hybrid Teaching Staff Development College, Christ University 02/03/2021
20 SAP's Integrated Intelligent Suite SAP International 11/01/2021
21 Unleash the Power of Mind for Unlimited Success School of Business and Management Institutional 24/07/2020
22 Microsoft Teams 30M Training Institutional 11/07/2020
23 AI For Everyone CHRIST (Deemed to be University) & Coursera International 29/04/2020
24 Sustainability: Learning from Leading Companies SAP (Open SAP Platform) International 22/10/2019
25 Quality Improvement Program Academic Staff College and Institute of Management, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 20/05/2019
26 Digital Supply Chain - From Design to Operate SAP (OpenSAP - SAP's Online Platform) International 10/04/2019
27 Strong Certification Program (Strong Inventory Instrument) Institute of Management, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 13/11/2018
28 SAP Leonardo - An Introduction to Blockchain (Certificate issued in Jan 2020) SAP (Open SAP platform) International 17/10/2018
29 FDP on Arena simulation software Institute of Management, CHRIST Institutional 03/10/2018
30 QIP Academic Staff College, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 21/05/2018
31 SAP Cloud Platform & SAP Next-Gen Institute of Management, Christ (Deemed to be University) Institutional 28/02/2018
32 FDP on 'Using Blended MOOCs' Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore National 09/12/2017
33 HED (Holistic Education) - Deanery Level Christ University Institutional 25/11/2017
34 Enterprise Machine Learning in a Nutshell SAP (OpenSAP - SAP's Online platform) International 21/11/2017
35 FDP on SAP Institute of Management Institutional 13/11/2017
36 Data Science in Action - Building a Predictive Churn Model SAP (OpenSAP - SAP's Online platform) International 08/11/2017
37 Basic Excel Training Institute of Management, Christ University Institutional 18/09/2017
38 QIP CU-Academic Staff College 24/05/2017
39 FDP on Smart Living - Opportunities and Challenges (IoT) Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) National 10/02/2017
40 QIP Christ University 14/12/2016
41 QIP Christ University 11/04/2016
42 Supply Chain Analytics IMT, Hyderabad National 20/01/2016
43 MDP on 'Data Analysis using R' Institute of Management Institutional 23/11/2015
44 Basic R CART (Centre for Advanced Research and Training), Christ University Institutional 18/11/2015
45 IBM CE - Enablement Program - Descriptive Analytics IBM Institutional 28/01/2015
46 IBM CE Descriptive Analytics IBM and Institute of Management International 28/01/2015
47 IBM CE - Enablement Program - Predictive Analytics IBM Institutional 21/12/2014
48 IBM CE Predictive Analytics IBM and Institute of Management International 21/12/2014
49 IBM CE - Enablement Program - Big Data Analytics using Infosphere BigInsights IBM Institutional 15/11/2014
50 An Introduction to SAP HANA Open SAP University & SAP International 11/06/2014
51 QIP Institue of Management 26/05/2014
52 Contemporary Developments in Management and Business Institute of Management, Christ University 26/05/2014
53 MDP on Visual Business Intelligence Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad National 09/12/2013
54 FDP CUIM Institutional 01/12/2012
55 SAP Techniversity - Education Conference SAP University Alliances National 26/11/2012
56 AIMA Management Conclave on best practices in management education AIMA (All India Management Association) Regional 26/06/2012
57 FDP CUIM Institutional 31/05/2012


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Refresher Course Achieved Grade A in the Refresher program conducted for Associate Professors /Professors Academic Staff College, Christ University May 2012
2 PhD Course Work Successfully completed PhD Course Work and achieved First class with Distinction in Course Work II of PhD program Center for Research, Christ University March 2013
3 Top ranking in MOOC (Open SAP) course on SAP HANA Completed MOOC (OpenSAP) course titled 'An introduction to SAP HANA' with 30 points out of a maximum of 30 (and 100% score in the test), thus belonging to the top 5% of global course participants (around 40,000 enrolments) Open SAP University & SAP August 2014
4 Certificate of Achievement MOOC course on 'Data Science Methodology' - Completed with a test score of 90% in first attempt IBM (Big Data University) March 2016
5 Best Paper Award Best Paper award for the paper titled "Business Sustainability through Green Initiatives in the IT industry" at the International Conference on "Transforming Emerging Economies through Sustainability and Innovations in Businesses" Christ University, Bengaluru 09 November 2016
6 Record of Achievement Secured 80.7% in the course on 'Data Science in Action- Building a Predictive Churn Model' in which only 14.7% of the enrolled 8680 learners earned a record of achievement and the online exam having high degree of negative marking) SAP 14 December 2017
7 Record of Achievement Earned a record of achievement for the course on 'Enterprise Machine Learning in a Nutshell' in which only 22.5% of the learners earned a record of achievement (and the online exam having a high degree of negative marking) SAP 20 December 2017
8 QIP 'A' grade in Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) Christ (Deemed to be University) 26 May 2017
9 Best paper award in International Conference Best paper in the 9th International Conference on CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN MANAGEMENT International School of Management Excellence 27 February 2021
10 Certified Behavior & Mentoring Analyst (CBMA) Successful completion of Coursework and Certification exams for Style Analysis - DISC & Driving Forces Talent Metrix 01 January 2024
11 Mentor appreciation certificate, Trophy to the mentored student team Mentored a student team of 3 in winning the trophy (overall winners ahead of other participating countries) in the 8th SEAA-PEREGRINE International Case Competition Seaa Trust (https://www.seaaservices.org/) 01 December 2024
12 Badge for Trainer Skills in Business Processing Modeling with Signavio Digital Badge for Trainer Skills in Business Processing Modeling conducted by SAP Labs SAP (through Credly) 08 August 2024
13 Best paper award Received best paper award for the paper titled Optimization of Two Wheeler Spare Parts Inventory Management for Sustainability in the International Conference ICSMT 2025 Bannari Amman Institute of Technology and Research Centre for Nanomaterials and Energy Technology, Sunway University, Malaysia 08 March 2025


(Deemed to be University)

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Karnataka, India

Tel: +91 804012 9100 / 9600

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Email: mail@christuniversity.in

Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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